Products & Technologies

The power of Predictive AI is its ability to make instant decisions, identify invisible factors, and reduce human error, equipping users with the technology optimized to support success.



Kaiju was founded on a core belief that the most powerfully effective investment organisation must be driven by a relentless focus on integrated, real-time performance that is transparent and market neutral. That’s why we built our own predictive AI technology — and validated it comprehensively with significant investment — in order to evolve our ground-breaking technology-driven investment strategies.


Human Generated

At Kaiju, every new strategy development process begins with a human-generated hypothesis. We then engage quantum mechanics-informed AI to refine these strategies and develop them into fully deployable and elegant technology applications.


Reinforcement Learning +
Neural Networks

Once a strategy is activated, we use reinforcement learning and neural networks to continuously evolve the strategy in real-time. This keeps obsolescence at bay and ensures minimal lag. AI delivers a complete refinement of execution.

Lag never enters into
our field of challenges.

Our Investment

(Bilateral Equity
Corridor Strategy)
11-Year Model: 24% 1.16 USD $246.6M Yes /
Private Strategy
License: Yes
Purchase: Yes
RS2 11-Year Model: 51.95% 2.91 USD $190M  Yes /
Private Strategy
License: Yes
Purchase: Yes
HELIX 11-Year Model: 33.2% 1.33 Pending,
Q3 2024
Yes /
Private Strategy
License: Yes
Purchase: Yes
Unlimited None * Unlimited
DIP 11-Year Model: 17.87%
Live (17-month): 22.74%
Live: 1.084
USD $222.8M (private use only; ETF use unvalued) Yes /
Private Strategy
License: Yes **
Purchase: Yes
Unlimited None * Unlimited
Contact Us

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) and Sharpe ratio calculations incorporate transaction fees and market impact slippage and are calculated from Jan 1, 2013 through December 31, 2023. It is essential to acknowledge that these metrics can be influenced by the terms outlined in individual broker-dealer agreements, potentially affecting the resultant Profit and Loss either positively or negatively. The reported values are before any other expenses or applicable taxes that a client might incur.

*Theoretically, the strategy can work on any size of capital base, however, depending on the number of signals at any given time, too low a capital base may either prevent complete use of the strategy or result in executions at quantities that are not favourable to the strategy. Any value in this column represents the minimum allocation recommended for the strategy to run effectively.

**DIP's last trades were executed on May 22, 2024, when the fund was subsequently wound down and delisted on May 30th. DIP is now available for purchase or licensing.

***Identity of valuation firm and valuations available for review by qualified buyers and accredited media on execution of an access letter. Please Contact Us for details if interested.

BEX® (Bilateral Equity Corridor Strategy)

BEX®is a completely risk-defined, market-neutral, complex options strategy which seeks to trap price within a reliably predictable “corridor”, and profit so long as the underlying securities remain within that corridor. With a 11-year, scientifically validated mathematical model CAGR of 24% (and a valuation of USD $246.6M), BEX® represents a breakthrough in risk-defined strategies featuring extremely high capital efficiency.

model cagr


BEX® is available to license in allocations of USD $10M+;

total allocations may not exceed USD $120M.


RS2 is Kaiju’s sophomore complex options strategy. Our AI volume pressure at price momentum detection system identifies strong low-to-high underlying signals prior to the moves they accompany, which allows RS2 to effectively predate on the price action that follows. With an 11-year, scientifically validated mathematical model CAGR of 51.95%, RS2 is the most effective AI-curated momentum strategy commercially available, anywhere. 

model cagr


RS2 may be licensed in allocations as low as USD $5M,

with total allocable capital currently capped at USD $45M.


HELIX is Kaiju’s most powerful equities strategy yet. Fully AI end-to-end, it uses Kaiju’s proprietary PROFIT HELIXsystem to find long opportunities in the S&P 500, allowing it to substantially profit across all market conditions. With an 11-year, scientifically validated mathematical model CAGR of 33.2% (currently scheduled for valuation in Q3 of 2024), HELIX is also supported by Kaiju’s ARC® (AI Risk Containment) system, which allows HELIX to exit positions in which pre-threat detection has occurred.

model cagr


HELIX may be licensed in variable tranche sizes, with no maximum given the expanse of the universe in which it operates.


BTD (“Buy The Dip”) was our inaugural AI-curated and directed ETF, which seeked to identify and act on short-term opportunities, repeatedly, in order to capitalize on profitable dips in artificially oversold equities.



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Kaiju’s ever evolving strategies represent the next phase of modern investment philosophy. Most fund managers attempt to wedge both established and emerging predictive tools into outdated investment models. Standing apart, Kaiju has created an original strategy locus from the ground up. We did this by fusing into a powerful ideology what we call Mechanisms of Reasoning® — an approach that comprises not only Artificial Intelligence, but also Quantitative Analysis, Behavioral Finance, and Quantum Mechanics. We have demonstrated that the meticulous application of this approach is largely immune to broad market movement, while still generating consistent, substantial alpha for our funds and clients.

Quantitative Analysis

At Kaiju, we use quantitative analysis where its capacities are strongest: validation and model authentication. Quantitative analysis delivers an essential infrastructure component of our strategies: the certainty of data integrity.

Behavioral Finance

Understanding key market participants and their goals is central in predicting asset movement. We are focused on utilizing behavioral finance to identify shifts in dominance from one market participant to another, so we can better predict the inevitable change in the direction of prices.

Quantum Mechanics

At Kaiju, we don’t use theoretical physics to find the proverbial “needle in the haystack”; we use the principles of quantum mechanics to determine of all the needles in all the haystacks, which particular needle is worth finding. We do this by leveraging concepts of superposition and Quantum Darwinism to see probability outcomes within a new, more accurate system of measurement.

Stratified Risk Distribution®

Stratified Risk Distribution

Rather than rely on traditional approaches like cross-asset diversification and beta neutrality to insulate against adverse broad market movements, at Kaiju, we employ Stratified Risk Distribution®. This comprises AI-directed early warning systems at the position level that use exit mechanisms optimized for capital preservation layered across diverse portfolio constructs and multiple market sectors.

The result of using Stratified Risk Distribution® is that no matter how the markets or their component sectors perform, there is no single outcome (or collection of disparate outcomes) that can substantially affect our capital base.

Stratified Risk Distribution®

Stratified Risk Distribution

(ARC)®AI Risk Containment

AI Risk Containment (ARC)

(ARC)®AI Risk Containment

AI Risk Containment (ARC)

Our ARC® system monitors each discrete position and checks the real-time probabilistic model outcome against the original projected outcome track, which was created by the candidate selection system at inception. When a position underperforms the original forecast, it is flagged and moved through a series of risk containment chambers where further analysis is conducted, and mitigation mechanisms applied. During chamber analysis, a separate AI-directed predatory trade mechanism performs inverse analysis to determine whether a tertiary opportunity exists (that is, whether whatever force which is disadvantageous to the primary position is beneficial to an inverted outlook if executed in the present).

This all happens beyond the discrete candidate level as well, across risk-segmented portfolio tranches, sector tranches, and asset tranches (collectively, the strata, or layers, within Stratified Risk Distribution®). Added to this are the risk containment mechanisms applied at the outset — modelled, constructed, and applied by the AI candidate selection system — which insulate the portfolio from catastrophic gap risk, should it occur without warning.

The approaches outlined above effectively minimise loss, preserve capital, and execute on opportunities contrary to the original outlook (without lag), all in real time.

New applications of predictive AI

By leveraging our powerful foundational architectures and predictive AI technologies, Kaiju is investing in new applications in diverse fields designed to enhance human capability and benefit society. For example, in partnership with Cosmopolitan Yachts, Kaiju is developing one of the world’s first autonomous navigation and self-docking systems for the maritime industry to enhance safety on the water anywhere in the world. We believe that our extensive experience optimizing predictive AI decision-making systems, as well as our Leadership’s deep understanding of maritime environments, gives us a clear advantage in the construction and refinement of these systems and positions us as an early leader in the development of technologies for watercraft - that have been available to automobiles and aircraft for most of the past decade.

Autonomous navigation & self-docking systems

Enhanced safety for decision-making systems